Today, while we were waiting for Garrett's weekly mission email to arrive, the mailman delivered a package to our door. It was from Garrett! We were so stunned and excited to receive this package at the exact moment we were waiting for an email from him. What a tender mercy!
He sent us a Book of Mormon written in Quechua, the language of the Indians that live in Ecuador. He also sent everyone an Ecuador World cup soccer jersey and he sent Hayden a Mexican bag. Thank you Garrett! We love it all.
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Book of Mormon written in the Quechua language. |
Garrett sent an "Ecuador" World Cup soccer jersey to everyone--well, not Chase :-) |
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He sent Hayden a Mexican bag |
Farley Family,
Well, first off, I want all of you to know how much I love you. All of you guys are the best! You guys help me stay focused and you always show your great love for me. I couldn't ask for a better family! Dad, Mom, Morgan, George, Kendall, Cami, Davis, Hayden, Chase, and Madison, all of you guys are vacanisimo! I love you all with all of my heart!
This year that I have been in the mission, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to work. I have learned how to study. I have learned how to teach. I have learned how to love someone with the pure love of Christ. I have learned Spanish. I have learned who I am and what I mean to God. I have felt the love of friends, family, and of God. This year has been amazing! I cannot wait to serve another year devotedly focused on my mission. I also cannot wait to see what I learn in that time!
Although this year has been fun, exciting, and powerful, it has also been really hard. I cannot describe how hard my mission has been. At times I felt alone. At times I felt abandoned. At times I felt like I couldn't do anything right. I have even felt like quitting, giving up and going home. But in these hard times I thought of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice to the world! Jesus Christ's mission was far harder than mine. He was rejected by everyone. Even from some people who loved him. He was beat, bruised, battered, and spit upon. He was even killed! My mission is far less difficult than that of Christ's, so even though my mission is hard, I know that I can do it because Christ did His. I know that Christ will help every single one of us because I know that Christ lives. He loves us and He is here for us. I know that my Savior lives! So, let's see what I can learn in one years time when I too have finished my mission. I can't wait!
Well, the things that are in this package are as follows: There are Ecuador soccer jersey's (I hope that I have bought enough for all of you) and there is a Mexican bag for Hayden (I bought that while I was in the Mexico CCM). I hope that Ecuador has become a huge part of your lives as it has become for me.
Love, Elder Garrett Dean Farley
P.S. - This Book of Mormon is written in Quechua, the language of the Indians that live here in Ecuador. Its really cool!
That's awesome! Thanks for your example Garrett!